Goodbye 2013 & 1st Trimester!

This week has marked 2 major milestones--the end of 2013 and the start of the 2nd trimester! 
This is the time of year when people start making resolutions for the new year. To me resolutions are those things that get made quickly and are often broken just as fast. But what does resolution really mean? 
Resolution (n): a firm decision to do or not to do something.
It is a firm decision, one that shouldn't be made on a whim. We should spend time and thought of what we really need to change in our lives, what things we want to improve upon. If we are truly making a resolution, a firm decision, then we must try our absolute best to keep them.

Do/did you make resolutions for the new year? I made a few.

*Spend more time daily in prayer/bible study and encouraging others.
*Pay off our last credit card.
*Save for baby items, hospital bills, new(to us) vehicle, and Ryan's schooling.(He's going back to get his masters! :) )
*Gain 20-25lbs :) And then loose it again.
*Continue clean eating and exercise when possible.
*Get everything ready for baby!!!

Sunday marked 13 weeks for me and the end of the 1st trimester! It's hard to believe that this pregnancy is 1/3 of the way over! These first few months can be summed up in a few words - fatigue and "morning" sickness. The morning sickness was by far the worst. I actually lost 15lbs because of it.

But after loosing 2 babies, I am so thankful for these symptoms! I am so thankful everyday when that queasiness hits. Days that don't contain any nausea, like this past Tuesday, make me worry. In fact I was so worried that I prayed to have some morning sickness. Don't do that unless you're really prepared for it because God answered yes to those prayers Wednesday. :)

A few things that we've bought this trimester:
Eddie Bauer Trailmaker Travel System - Clearbrook

We got this stroller and car seat on clearance for 50% the price in store! Regular $219 and we only paid $109. :)

The Pregnancy Companion: A Faith Filled Guide for Your Journey to Motherhood

We actually bought this during a previous pregnancy but I love this book! I think it's so much better than the other pregnancy books I have read. I love that it's written with a focus on faith. 

Thank you so much for stopping by! 
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