Frugal Fridays: Where's it all Going?

The first step for living frugally is to decide that you want to. Obviously, since you're reading this you have already done that.(Or either you're just really bored :))The next step is finding out where all your money is going. You can do this a couple of ways.

*Print out a copy of last month's bank statement. Divide each item into a category. Here are the ones we used: giving, housing, grocery, gas, insurance, entertainment, medical, debt, and clothing. Now add up the totals. This was the scariest part for me.

*Track your expenses for a month. You can make a list, use an Excel spreadsheet or a worksheet like this. Just make sure you list each item in the appropriate category to save you from having to sort them later. I tried to do this method but I kept forgetting to write our purchases down.

Consider the Lilies>

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