Keeping Up With The Joneses

Stewardship, what is it exactly?
the conducting, supervising, or managing of something entrusted to one's care
So basically a steward is someone who manages things that others have entrusted them with. We have a choice weather we use these things wisely or foolishly. 

God has blessed us with so many things! Today lets look at financial stewardship.

To truly be a good steward we must first realize that the money in your bank account and wallet isn't yours-it's God's! (As are all the other gifts He's blessed us with!) He has simply entrusted the money to use. We should manage it wisely.

We can wisely manage the financial blessings God has given us by:
  • Giving to your home congregation/ missionaries first! Don't give God the leftovers! 
  • Praying for wisdom to make the right financial choices.
  • Monitoring where our money is going. We can then determine if we need to change our spending habits.
  • Make a budget and stick to it.
  • Sit down with your husband and set financial goals. Write them down and have a time set to complete them by.
  • Avoid debt if at all possible.(Debt can't always be avoided) If you do have debt pay it off as soon as possible. Don't be a slave any longer than you have to. By paying your debt off early you will also save some money on interest.(Be sure and check with your loan/credit card provider before doing this. Some companies charge a penalty for early payoff.)
  • Don't try to "Keep up with the Joneses"! Just because everyone else has the latest and newest car(or cell phone, clothes, ect.) does not mean that you deserve them! If you keep up with the Joneses purchases, you are also keeping up with their debt!
Manage what God has given you wisely!

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Linking up with these blogs:Our Simple Country LifeRaising Mighty ArrowsLittle Natural CottageFeminine AdventuresThe Purposeful Mom


  1. Wise words! My husband went through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace and it has completely changed our lives. We are much wiser with our money and more content with things.

    1. Thank you! I haven't went through Dave Ramsey's class but have read most of his books. We are working to get debt free now!

  2. This is wonderful Ashlyn. It is very true that all we have is God's. When I pray about our new home, I pray the Lord will help us to be good stewards of it! I have also seen so much blessing from our faithful tithes and offerings. Money seems to stretch impossibly when we are faithful with our tithes/offerings. He provides!!

    Nicole at Working Kansas Homemaker

  3. Wonderful post Ashlyn! All that we have has only been entrusted to us for a short while (at least in light of eternity.)

    It's so easy to let that mentality of "I've worked so hard, I deserve it!" creep in. But like you said, "If you keep up with the Joneses purchases, you are also keeping up with their debt!" SO true!

    Thanks for linking up at Thrifty Thursday.


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